
Due to my no-editing and no-proofreading mandate, I'm forced to make the next few links an entirely separate post. Enjoy...

This has been getting me through the day the last week or so, via Deadspin.

"Lies" by Big Bang, the second-biggest K-Pop song since I've been here. The shopping cart alone makes the video.

"Tell Me" by Wondergirls, easily the biggest K-Pop smash that other uber-contrived girl group released that soul-crushing single a few somethings back. Fun games to play while watching: a) Find the fifteen-year old singer b) be creeped out once you find the fifteen-year old singer c) gouge out your ears with a rusty grapefruit spoon, hearing no more forever. But seriously, go ahead and watch this. Then play it on loop, twenty-four hours a day for the next six months or so. Then you'll know what it's like to live in Korea. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Seriously though, watch it. I have to go see an Indian man about a phone card.

2 Responses to “Horsemarbles!”

  1. # Blogger Seldon T. Scranton

    I'm not an expert on anything. So I have nothing to say.

    Nothing at all.  

  2. # Blogger Seldon T. Scranton

    So what's up with the blog dude? Long time no post! Come on!


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